Meter Information

How To Read Your Meter

Close up of Smart Meter

Residential Smart Meter

See how to read your home meter

Energy meters

Commercial Smart Meter

See how to read your commercial meter

Solar panels on a rooftop

Self Generation Meter

See how to read your solar meter

Reduced Operational Cost

TID has replaced over 45,000 existing retail electric meters with new, advanced “SMART Meters.” The new meters are designed to provide a wide range of benefits to customers while increasing operational efficiencies at TID.

The expected cost of the meter replacement is $12.6 million, which is projected to be offset through operational savings — which will reduce waste, improve reliability and encourage energy efficiency and demand response.

Phased Installation

The meters were planned to be installed over four years beginning in 2007. Installing the meters in phases allowed TID staff to change the meters as well as maintain better control of the critical meter-reading and billing processes.

The second phase of the SMART Meter project involves the system at TID which collects and communicates with the SMART Meters in the field. This phase involves the installation of  Outage Management and Meter Data Management systems.

Once installed, the Outage Management System will allow us to better communicate with your meter in real time and pinpoint outages when they occur or, even potential outages before you lose power. This should shorten response and restoration times when the power unexpectedly goes out and, eliminate some outages by replacing faulty components before they fail completely knocking out power to our customers.

In addition, a new Meter Data Management System will eventually allow you to access a greater level of detail through your online account about your personal energy consumption and usage, allowing you to maximize your energy savings by adjusting your usage habits.

These two new systems are currently in the planning process and once they begin to be installed and rolled out to you, we will update this page as well other appropriate methods of communication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there plans for TID to charge different rates for peak and off-peak energy usage?

Currently there are no plans for time of use energy rates. For current rate schedules, please click here.

What are the long-term benefits of the SMART meters?

Some of the benefits of smart meters:

  • Eventual online access to up-to-date consumption information allowing you better control over your energy usage and your bill.
  • The ability to track what appliances and other electronic devices are costing you the most so you have the information needed to make your home more energy efficient.
  • The new meters help to identify power outages to restore power as quickly as possible.
  • As advances in technology continue, we expect that additional benefits will become available allowing us to increase efficiency and provide customers with more direct control over their energy usage.

What are the immediate benefits of SMART meters?

  • All your energy data will be wirelessly transmitted to TID via a secure connection, which will help to reduce operating costs.
  • The secure technology will ensure the most accurate bill possible, because it will no longer be necessary to estimate bills when we are unable to access your meter.
  • The two-way communication allows for remote service connects and disconnects so you no longer have to worry about leaving the gate open, securing pets, or waiting for a service technician.
  • Eventually, meter readers will no longer be required to read meters once a month, thus reducing pollution, fuel consumption and traffic.

Will I be able to read my electric SMART meter?

Yes, SMART meters have digital displays that cycle through four to six different readings. For instructions on how to read your SMART meter, click here.

How can I be sure that the data being transmitted is my usage and not my neighbors?

Each meter has a special identifier associated with the customer meter number and service address. The process in data collection is similar to cell phone technology where individual numbers are used to communicate with a cell tower and connect your phone to the right location.

Is the SMART meter network secure?

Yes, all necessary steps have been taken to ensure that all data being transmitted is secure.

Will the SMART meter interfere with other wireless devices in my home?

No, TID’s Smart meters have been approved by the FCC and should not interfere with other devices in or around your home.

How can I be sure that my SMART meter is accurate?

In 2007, TID invested in a pilot project with SMART meters to test their effectiveness. First the SMART meters went through rigorous testing to ensure that the consumption reading was accurate. Then 1160 meters were placed in the pilot area and read both electronically and manually via our meter readers to check for accuracy. All pilot meter accounts were also closely monitored for major increases or decreases. There were no significant discrepancies and the Board approved the replacement of existing meters to SMART meters over a four year period The decision to replace the meters over four years allows existing staff to change the meters as well as maintain control of the critical meter reading and billing processes.

If you have seen significant change in your bill, please contact Customer Service at 883-8222 to discuss your bill with a customer service representative.

Have the possible health effects of radio frequency (RF) communications from SMART meters been assessed?

Similar to household appliances, SMART Meters emit electromagnetic fields (EMF). The bulk of scientific literature fails to conclude that exposure to these fields is a threat to human health. While some studies have suggested such a link, the vast majority of scientific literature indicates otherwise.

SMART Meters are designed to avoid interfering with home electronics. In the future, the meters may be able to help customers determine which electronics are consuming the most energy in their homes or businesses, giving them more control over their bills.

SMART Meters emit roughly one watt of radio frequency (RF). This is significantly less than the wattage emitted by cell phones or wireless computer routers. SMART Meters transmit radio signals once every four hours with each transmission lasting only 0.05 seconds.

For more information about FCC guideline regarding RF exposure, visit

Comparison of RF Power Density in the Everyday Environment: Source: Richard Tell Associates, Inc.

SMART meter device at 10 feet: 0.01 microwatts
FM radio or TV broadcast signal: 0.0005 microwatts
Cyber café (Wi-Fi): 10-20 microwatts
Laptop Computer: 10-20 microwatts
Cell phone held to head: 30-10,000 microwatts
Walkie-talkie at head: 500-42,000 microwatts
Microwave oven, 2 inches from door: 5,000 microwatts

How does SMART meter technology work?

SMART meters measure customer energy usage and transmits that data digitally to the utility company using a wireless area network (WAN) similar to the way cell phone communications work.